Des articles
It's very possible that you accidently paid twice. If so, just open a support ticket and we will...
How do I downgrade my hosting plan?If you have a Shared Plan or a Reseller Plan, it is as easy as login into your billing account...
How do I upgrade my account to a better plan?If you have a Shared Plan or a Reseller Plan, it is as easy as login into your billing account...
How to change billing cycles?Please submit a ticket to mentioning the billing cycle you want to switch...
How to change client area password?To change your client area password, do the following:Start by logging in to your Client...
How to change contact details?To change your main contact details, do the following:Start by logging in to your client...
I didn't get my welcome email or have since lost it how can I have it resent?If you never received your welcome email it's because you signed up using a non working email,...
I have paid my invoice but still it shows unpaidIf you have paid a particular invoice but it still shows unpaid in panel, please submit a ticket...
I just signed up for 7 day and I would like a refund how do I get it?Please cancel your account at once logged in...
I need my payment invoices how do I get them?Login to once logged in click the My Invoices...
I wish to cancel or close my account how do I do this?To cancel your account please log in at your account at...
Late FeeIf any invoice is unpaid even after 10 days from the due date, a %10 late fee is added. Your...