What to do if your website has been marked by Google as harmful

If you see the following warning when you visit your site:

This site may harm your computer.

this means that your website has been marked by Google as harmful because it contains malicious contents.

The first thing to do is remove all the badware/malicious code from your pages and fix the security vulnerabilities that allowed the code to be inserted in your files. It is important to fix those vulnerabilities in order to prevent such issues from happening in the future.

You can try cleaning your files by yourself. You should always keep your applications up to date, so after removing the malicious code, an upgrade of your scripts is highly recommended.

Alternatively, if you experience difficulties cleaning the files yourself, you can contact our support for further assistance.

Once the cleaning of your website is completed, you can check your website with the Google Diagnostics page. Just visit:

where www.yourdomain.com is your actual domain name.

After you have done all of the above, you should request a review from Google's Webmasters Tools. If you don't have a Google Webmasters Tools account, you can create one for free at:


Once you have created a Google Webmasters Tools account, go to the Overview page and click on the Request a review link.

Then, follow the instructions on the page in order to file a Request for review of your website.

Bear in mind that usually it takes approximately 10 business day before your request is reviewed and the status of your website is changed.
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